The Odyssey: In trying to help her champion Odysseus win the footrace at Patroclus' funeral games, Athena causes one of his competitors, Aias the Lesser, to slip into a pile of ox dung.On the negative side, it meant that he had fallen into something soft." On the positive side, this meant had fallen into something soft. Going Postal: "The broom must have been kept as an ornament, because it certainly hadn't been used much on the accumulations in the stable yard.A few wrong steps after getting into Ramkin Manor, she ends up treading what is mainly water in the septic tank. Night Watch Discworld: Young Assassin Jocasta Wiggs is sent to target Sam Vimes.In Diary of a Wimpy Kid, the aptly-titled book "Hard Luck" has Greg step in poop and mention that "normally, poop as funny as the next guy" and remembers a man tripping and landing in horse poop as a time he laughed about poop.

He ends up falling and dragging them down with him. Ingvar, who is incredibly nearsighted, gets too nervous to cross on his own, so Hal and Stig try to help him. In the Brotherband book The Outcasts, the brotherbands have to cross a log over a pit of mud (which they strongly suspect has been infused with pig manure) as part of their training.Contrast Urine Trouble, Tinkle in the Eye, and Bird-Poop Gag for when something disgusting falls onto you. Can overlap with Slapstick Knows No Gender if a woman falls into the grody stuff. See Carrying a Cake, Banana Peel and Staircase Tumble for other gags related to tripping/falling. May lead to Covered in Gunge or Covered in Mud. Sister Trope to Trash Landing (which is falling out of the sky and landing in garbage). Sub-trope of Slapstick and Toilet Humour. Usually, the one who lands in the gross stuff will be understandably grossed-out, especially if they're a Neat Freak, but sometimes they don't mind (see Filthy Fun and The Pig-Pen). They might also try to jump over the stuff, but fail miserably. Sometimes, for extra comic effect, the accident might happen right before or after the unlucky one is told what the stuff is.

Also, if anyone visits a farm who is either clumsy, inexperienced with farms/the country, or both, expect them to trip into either manure or rotting food scraps. This is a common way of villains, especially in comedies, getting defeated ( especially if they were arrogant), but good guys can have this happen to them too, especially if they're unlucky or clumsy.